Room design Wall and ceiling shaping Room finishes Reverberant sound energy control
Partitions, ceilings, floors, doors, windows Demountable partitions Operable partitions Demountable rooms Building envelope noise reduction
Acoustic performance and design criteria Space planning and facility layout Project phasing Sustainability and acoustics
Speech privacy Speech intelligibility Acoustic quality
Equipment mounting and isolation Fan noise reduction Aerodynamic noise control Plumbing, piping and fluid flow noise control Sound isolation
Community noise analysis Amphitheater sound propagation Outdoor mechanical equipment noise control
Base building equipment noise and vibration control Core and shell noise criteria Site selection acoustic criteria and evaluation
Background and intrusive noise Sound isolation and vibration testing Outdoor and community noise levels Reverberation time, impulse response and decay characteristics NC, RC, NIC, TL, RT60, NR, SPP, SII, STI, more
825 Eighth Avenue, 18th FloorNew York, NY 10019
Ronald EligatorManaging Principal212.404.4768 p914.462.1240